#1-2 Karaoke Practice + Learning Japanese by Song: + Writing Activity: 2nd part of the Song“ロビンソン”
①Karaoke & Learning Japanese
どうも、こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English.
I will use Japanese songs as learning material for my English/Translation exercise. This material could be useful for someone learning Japanese or want to practice Karaoke.
Intentionally, I will introduce “Not New Songs” but popular songs amongst Japanese or little unknown but masterpiece.
Today, We will see the 2nd part of lyrics of ロビンソン. The name of band is スピッツ. Lyrics Writer and Composer is 草野正宗 Kusano Masamune.
②Instruction: How to practice?
1, Check meaning of each word in lyrics, Grammar Explanation and Lyrics Interpretation at below ⑤.
Some websites do not make contract with JASRAC, copyright management organization, while other websites such as はてなblog, and YouTube make the contract, so I will introduce lyrics in those websites.
Like I said, I am learning English, so there could be many incorrect and unnatural explanations or translations in English. Sorry about this.
2, Check original song or music video and try to practice Karaoke. That might be also effective as Japanese exercise.
(Sometimes, the key of original song is high or low. in this situation, try to adjust the key by Karaoke machine.)
3, If you are learner and want to learn more Japanese, please try Writing Activity below. To improve language, output such as writing, and speaking is necessary.
③Writing Activity
(W1) I will pick up some words from the lyrics. Choose one word from the below “Word List” and make a sentence by using the word. Please refer to the below ④Example.
Or try to pick up a word from Lyrics and make a sentence by using the word.
(W2) It is good to ask your Japanese friend or teacher to correct your sentences.
(If you have a difficulty to find out someone to correct your sentences and want to ask me to correct your sentences, check my “Moto Writing Doujou”.)
“Word List”
5,―を 捨てる
6,―を 見上げる
7,―を 待ち伏せる
8,―は 生まれ変わる
④Example sentences
I chose 5 & 8 and wrote examples like this.
5, ごみを捨てる前に、プラスチックのごみを分別してから捨ててください。
If you add explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and correct your sentences more accurately.
⑤The second part of Lyrics & Interpretation
I try to practice Karaoke like this.
This time, we will see the second part of song. I put the lyrics into [ ] which are cited from “Masamune, Kusano. (1995). Title of song: ロビンソン. Title of album: ハチミツ. Record Label: ポリドール”. I put vocabulary meaning, my grammar explanation and my interpretation of lyrics into <>.
[片隅に 捨てられて]
[Katasumini Suterarete]
<片隅=corner 捨てる=abandon>
<捨てます=throw away, abandon, 捨てる=Dictionary form, Passive=捨てられる>
[呼吸を やめない 猫も]
[Kokyuu wo Yamenai Nekomo]
<呼吸=breath, やめる=stop,quit, 猫=cat>
<やめます→やめるDictionary form→やめない=Naiform+ない. 呼吸をやめない means “Subject does not stop breathing” so I interpreted like “Subject is still alive”.>
[Katasumini Suterarete Kokyuu wo Yamenai Nekomo]
<Although a cat was abandoned at conner of the street it’s still alive.>
[どこか 似ている]
[Dokoka Niteiru]
<どこか似ている= A kind of look like B.>
<似ます=resemble, Teform +います Short form is 似ている. There is no information the cat kind of look like “what or whom” so we can imagine what/whom”, might be someone he loved or himself.>
<抱き上げる=pick up in one’s arm>
[無理やりに 頬よせるよ]
[Muriyarini Hohoyoseruyo]
<無理やりに=forcibly 頬をよせる=nuzzle cheek against Noun>
<There is no Subject so Subject could be “I”: I nuzzled my cheek against the cat, although the cat was not in the mood.>
[Dokoka Niteiru Dakiagete Muriyarini Hohoyoseruyo]
< The cat kind of look like・・・. I picked up the cat in my arm and nuzzled my cheek against the cat, although the cat was not in the mood.>
[いつもの 交差点で]
[Itsumono Kousaten de]
<いつもの=usual 交差点=junction>
[見上げた 丸い窓は]
[Miageta Maruimado wa]
<見上げる=look up 丸い=round 窓=window>
<I guess the writer compared the sky to round window as if it were a window to the outer space.>
[うす汚れてる ぎりぎりの 三日月も]
[Usuyokgoreteru Girigirino Mikazukimo]
<汚れている=dirty ぎりぎり=just barely 三日月=crescent moon>
<I think when people put うす, it indicates “little bit, slightly”. ぎりぎりの三日月 means it is not perfect “crescent moon” but it looks almost crescent moon.>
[僕を 見てた]
[Bokuwo Miteta]
<僕=me 見ていた= was looking at>
[Itsumono Kousaten de Miageta Maruimado wa Usuyokgoreteru Girigirino Mikazukimo Bokuwo Miteta]
<When I looked up in the foggy sky at the usual junction, the Moon which looks just barely like crescent moon, also was looking at me.>
[待ちぶせた 夢のほとり]
[Machibuseta Yumenohotori]
<待ちぶせる=wait in ambush 夢のほとり=on the banks of dream>
[驚いた 君の 瞳]
[Odoroita Kimino Hitomi]
<驚く=be surprised, 君の瞳=your eyes>
<驚く, its Taform is 驚いた that qualifies 君の瞳.>
[そして 僕ら 今 ここで]
[Sosite Bokura Ima Kokode]
<そして=and, then 僕ら=we 今ここで=now here>
[生まれ 変わるよ]
[Umare Kawaruyo]
<生まれ 変わる= to be born again>
[Machibuseta Yumenohotori Odoroita Kimino Hitomi Sosite Bokura Ima Kokode Umare Kawaruyo]
<I waited in ambush on the banks of dream, so you were surprised. We are going to be born again, now, here.>
[誰も 触れない 二人だけの 国]
[Daremo Sawarenai Futaridakeno Kuni]
<誰も=Nobody, 触る=touch,
二人だけの国= the country for just the two of us>
[終わらない 歌 ばらまいて]
[Owaranai Uta Baramaite]
<終わる=to end 歌=song ばらまく=scatter>
<終わる→Naiform+ない=終わらない modified 歌 and を is omitted.>
[Daremo Sawarenai Futaridakeno Kuni Owaranai Uta Baramaite]
<Nobody can touch the country for just the two of us. We (or the country?) spread/scatter the eternal song.>
[大きな 力で 空に 浮かべたら]
[Ookina chikarade Sorani Ukabetara]
<大きな力=great power,
空=sky, 浮かべる=float, fly>
[ルララ 宇宙の 風に 乗る]
[Rulala Uchuuno kazeni noru]
宇宙=outer space, 風=wind, 乗る=ride>
[Ookina Chikarade Sorani Ukabetara Rulala Uchuuno Kazeni Noru]
<We fly the country for just the two of us by great power and it rides the space wind.>
[大きな 力で 空に 浮かべたら]
[Ookina Chikarade Sorani Ukabetara]
[ルララ 宇宙の 風に 乗る]
[Rulala Uchuuno Kazeni Noru]
[ルララ 宇宙の 風に 乗る]
[Rulala Uchuuno Kazeni Noru]
Music Video
Masamune, Kusano. (1995). Title of song “ロビンソン”. Title of album “ハチミツ”. Record Label “ポリドール”.
作詞:草野正宗, 作曲:草野正宗, 1995年, 曲名:ロビンソン, アルバム名:ハチミツ, レーベル名:ポリドール
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Need correction? →Check “Moto Writing Doujou”
Self-learning Doujou with Moto
All Grammar Topic and Video List for JLPT N5
Japanese Songs & Karaoke List